memo to me: maybe it's time for older men.
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leave it to me
leave it to me to have stumbled back into a pseudo-relationship i was trying to end...
as is typical of my life, two months before i leave new zealand, i have hooked up with a guy. a 20 year old, nonetheless. a guy from ireland, nonetheless. leave it to the two foreigners to get together, eh?
in all seriousness, i am very fond of him. which was part of the reason why i thought we shouldn't be together. i was actually trying to make a decision for my own long-term emotional health. but today, my birthday nonetheless, i think i stumbled back into it. when he asked, are we ok? i think i misunderstood the question. oh god, sometimes i think i don't deserve to get out of bed. but he is the nicest guy i've been with -- and i say that with much modesty -- in ages. instead of constantly letting me down, as the last few guys i've "been with" have, he continually surprises me with his maturity, intelligence, sensitivity and caring. sigh. i'm gonna be screwed when june rolls around.
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