bubbly and lovely: i'm too poor for therapy.
been there and back again. too many thoughts and opinions and hormones get me in trouble.
i hate summer school
so i'm back in the city tonight to do some schoolwork. it's weird not being at camp. i feel like i'm missing stuff. and of course i am missing stuff but i mean fun and important stuff. significant stuff. but i'll get over it. no, diana, the clowns do not come out when you leave. i have to finish my schoolwork so i can get on with my summer.
maybe this is a good time to explain why this blog's address is "haphap". it has to do with camp. when i was 14 i was a cit -- counselor in training for those who don't know camp speak. there were seven of us in the program so we chose to all be named after the seven dwarves (my idea). i ended up with happy and it fit me pretty well, as well as the other 6 names fit the other six girls. from 1997 to 98, i didn't go back to camp because my experience in 1996 wasn't so good and i needed to do normal college things -- internship, summer school so i could graduate on time, etc. but after graduation, i didn't really have a job so i went back. happy seemed too childish of a name for me (because i felt so mature and old) so i abbreviated it to hap. i like to say it stands for happenstance but enough people around know that it stands for happy that i will never lose that moniker. so that's the story of how this little blog was named.
and for the record, i coined "brush your teeth or a bear will eat your face" as well.