bubbly and lovely: i'm too poor for therapy.

been there and back again. too many thoughts and opinions and hormones get me in trouble.

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email: mail me

we are scientists
steve burns
hot aussie
nick jr.
steve groupies
queenstown, nz
rotorua not roto-rooter, nz
glow worms!
john pilger
daily mirror
geek all grown up
my google twin
someone else
blog portal
strange but funny
insanity test
more than cookies
joe murphy, musician
mayo clinic
dance william dance
science blog
hike the world
learn about climate change
naked cowboy
sydney morning herald
sciam web awards
new york rangers
arts and letters daily
adventure education
the guardian
webby awards
great games
great science
save money
yucky kids
work abroad
french superstore
intern some more

My Soapbox blahblahblah
a way out
my friend jesse told me about this program called bunac that lets you work in british commonwealth nations. it's for people under 30 to experience other cultures, etc etc. it's great! i think everybody should experience a foreign culture, even if it's not immersion and it's just as a tourist. it opens your eyes and even if you don't like the other culture as much as yours, i think it teaches you more about your own culture. so do it!

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another perspective
read the guardian, a british paper, for a good outside perspective. you might find something enlightening.

the webbys are given for the best websites around.
they're good. they won for a reason. to check out this year's list, click here.

australian based arts and letters daily
online games at net baby
education at exploratorium, an sf science museum

other cool sites:
make your own cosmetics
yucky science for kids at the discovery channel site

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i hate summer school
so i'm back in the city tonight to do some schoolwork. it's weird not being at camp. i feel like i'm missing stuff. and of course i am missing stuff but i mean fun and important stuff. significant stuff. but i'll get over it. no, diana, the clowns do not come out when you leave. i have to finish my schoolwork so i can get on with my summer.

maybe this is a good time to explain why this blog's address is "haphap". it has to do with camp. when i was 14 i was a cit -- counselor in training for those who don't know camp speak. there were seven of us in the program so we chose to all be named after the seven dwarves (my idea). i ended up with happy and it fit me pretty well, as well as the other 6 names fit the other six girls. from 1997 to 98, i didn't go back to camp because my experience in 1996 wasn't so good and i needed to do normal college things -- internship, summer school so i could graduate on time, etc. but after graduation, i didn't really have a job so i went back. happy seemed too childish of a name for me (because i felt so mature and old) so i abbreviated it to hap. i like to say it stands for happenstance but enough people around know that it stands for happy that i will never lose that moniker. so that's the story of how this little blog was named.

and for the record, i coined "brush your teeth or a bear will eat your face" as well.

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it's like an addiction
so tomorrow, in about 6 hours actually, i leave to work at camp. i've been going to this camp since i was about nine years old. i started working there when i was sixteen or seventeen and here i am, on the verge of earning a master's degree and i still keep going back. i think i'm going to be a professional camp counselor/girl scout, not because i necessarily want to be but it seems to be where i'm headed. to pursue that end, i've looked into getting some more training and here is a good program. best part is it's in new zealand.

my point here, however, is that i'm going to be in the woods for the next four weeks. actually, this coming week i'll be commuting from nyc to camp, which is 2.5 hours away, so i can finish my last week of summer school. summer school sucks. i hate summer school. especially after a really nice vacation. it's really hard to get back into the swing of school after that. anyways, off point. if you miss me, send me email. i really really will do my best to try and check. my hotmail account might blow up if i don't, anyways, because apparently i really need viagra/to refinance my mortgage/see britney spears naked, according to all the mail i get.


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i did it. i sent it. the letter to mitch. what the hell am i doing? as soon as it went in the slot at the post office, i had to laugh at how ridiculous i am. but i hate unfulfilled possibilities. the big what if. i guess. or maybe i'm just crazy and like to do crazy, irrational stupid things. or maybe not. i dunno.

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enlighten me
someone please explain to me why it is that grown men are crying over sporting events. i speak of the world cup.

first, i should confess that i do not follow soccer, never played soccer, and don't know anyone beyond mia hamm and david beckham. i really sucked at soccer growing up because, well, i guess it's a coordination issue. now hockey, i love hockey. but the rangers suck and i don't cry over it, even though often they compell me to. so what is the deal with soccer?

i read yesterday that something italian clothing company's stock dropped by a significant percent because it outfitted the italian soccer team and the team lost. that's amazing to me. (i tried to link the article but i couldn't find it. it was in the new york times.)

oh ether please tell me why.

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happy birthday baby, she says lasciviously
prince william is 20 today. happy birthday. one more year till he can drink in the states. i guess that's kind of sick.

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we are one world
from cnn:

PORT LINCOLN, Australia --Controversial small town mayor Peter Davis has made
headlines again, this time suggesting asylum-seekers held in Australian detention
centers should be shot if they cause trouble.

The Advertiser newspaper reports Davis saying asylum seekers should be told to
"settle down" or "they might get buried".

"We'll only have to shoot a few to get the message across," he is quoted as saying.

Australia has a policy of mandatory detention for all illegal immigrants attempting to
enter the country. Several thousand are currently being held in prison-like facilities.
The majority of those in detention are from Afghanistan and the Middle East and are
brought to Australian shores on rickety boats hired by people-smuggling networks.

Davis says the boatpeople should be turned away at sea.

"I don't hold anything against people of Islamic origin -- I happen to love their Persian
rugs and their banking system," Davis said. "But they beat to a different drum."

Davis was responding to suggestions asylum seekers could be moved to regional towns in
South Australia which have been suffering from dwindling populations.
As mayor, Davis's outspoken opinions have attracted attention in the past.

In 1996 he offended many by labelling the children of mixed-race parents as "mongrels".

also, in yesterday's new york times there was a story on how denmark was keeping an iraqi man seeking refgee status in an asylum center, living on $129 a month. this man was no slacker. he was fluent in english and had taught himself to read and write danish. he left iraq because he saddam hussein's government wanted to put him in jail for his outspoken views. he was trained as a doctor at the top iraqi school.

yet even with men like this guy, denmark has passed laws limiting the rights of asylum seekers. they cannot marry, and even danes have a hard time trying to marry asylum seekers. refugees over 60 are discouraged from entering the country, however that is done,

this all makes me very sad.

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i often think i'm smart. i can hold an intelligent conversation, know a fair amount of stuff, and most importantly, i can reason and i can argue logically, if i so desire. but then every once in a while i stumble on sites that make me feel stupid. that was the link for arts and letters daily, a new zealand based website that just won a webby. it makes me realize that there's so much i don't know and will never know and understand. sadness.

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there is a ritual every morning here in new york and that is the ritual of breakfast. i'm not talking about the cereal eaten at the kitchen sink or the toaster waffles consumed on the way to the subway or even the elaborate full breakfasts prepared by live in chefs. i'm talking about the breakfast purchased on the go and eaten at the desk over morning email and internet surfing. this breakfast can be bought at thousands, seemingly millions, of corner carts, hole in the walls, gourmet delicatessens and more. this morning i went to this "wholesome foods" place right outside the subway stop for 2 eggs on a roll. it was the most organized insanity i have ever seen! if you got scrambled eggs you went one way, fried the other. aluminum foil wrapped unidentified flying breakfast sandwiches flew every which way! coffee was poured at an amazing rate. and in the end, after a fast two minutes in a very crowded establishment, they got my order right and i was on my merry way. whew.

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this girl is going places
check out this site for delectable muffin mini movies. heh.

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moving up in the world! free commenting for your blog at enetation.

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step one

instead of doing work, i have spent the last few hours on this internet thing. i did it, though. i took the first step and am requesting information on applying to schools in new zealand to study teaching. (i also sent a query to an outdoor adventure education school. sweet.) i am so damn obsessed with leaving this country and i still have at least five months here. but teaching is such a noble profession. and i think i could do a lot more in new zealand. in the u.s. i think i'd feel a little weird because i'd want more money or whatever, but maybe teaching in new zealand, because i'd be in new zealand, would help me be content with a little less, with a simpler lifestyle. who knows. argh! the frustration of not knowing what i want to do with life, and not wanting to do what i'm studying.

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more edumakashun
the first navajo codetalkers were deployed on 18 sept 1942. by the end of the war, there were more than 420 enlisted by the marines. they spoke directly in their own language and occassionally used code words for terms that did not exist in their language. examples:

tank: chay-da-ga-hi, which means tortoise
observation plane: ne-ahs-jah, which means owl

contrary to the new nicholas cage movie, there were no "bodyguards" for each codetalker who was sworn to kill his charge if he got into enemy hands. marines do not kill other marines. however, the japanese never interpreted a single message.

taken, sometimes directly, from a david kahn article from the new york times on 15 june 2002

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On June 19, 1982, Vincent Chin, a Chinese-American, was beaten to death by Ronald Ebens and Michael Nitz in Detroit. Ebens and Nitz met Vincent Chin in a strip club where Vincent Chin was having his bachelor party. Nitz was recently laid off from his job and with Ebens, his stepfather, started a fight with Vincent Chin. The assailants believed Vincent Chin was of Japanese descent. There was a recession at the time, caused in part by the Japanese auto industry, which was especially tough on Detroit. Ebens and Nitz chased Vincent Chin out of the strip club and beat him to death with a Louisville Slugger. Vincent Chin's last words: It's not fair.

The judge who ruled over the case thought this was nothing more than a barroom brawl and Ebens and Nitz were allowed to plead guilty to second-degree manslaughter, paid $3780 in fines, and were sentenced to three years probation. A civil rights case was brought against the two by the federal government but was lost in 1987.

Vincent Chin's mother died last week in a nursing home.

these facts were extracted from an article in the new york times today.

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heh heh snicker snicker insert your OWN joke
from tuesday's sydney morning herald:

Condom fills small gap in market
London: Size may not be important, but it will soon be a factor in buying contraceptives with the launch of an extra-small condom.

Britain's leading prophylactics maker, Durex, is hoping to make advances into the "adolescent" market with a new product, known as Close Fit.

The idea is part of an effort to widen the product range which will include a "delay" condom with a local anaesthetic.

Jon Gray, Durex's marketing director, said the Close Fit condom was simply a response to anatomical reality. "The issue relates to comfort and confidence. This is for people who may be a little bit smaller, or just for people who prefer a tighter condom," he said.

like i said, insert your own joke

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it's funny when you get three hours of sleep one night how tired you get the next night. yeah. funny. although right now everything is funny to me. the worst part is i'm staying up listening to a tape i made at a conference that was so damn boring. but i have to listen to it to try and find what i'm going to write about for my homework assignment. urgh.

scientific american web awards
you should check them out. kinda neat. if you're a geek and into science like me.

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where i wanna go
as seen on stuff, an article from the southland times about how crime in queenstown is sort of out of control and how they held forums/seminars to wisen up the shopkeepers and local folk in queenstown. i'm not sure if the guy quoted below was INVITED to the event or what:

Reformed Auckland burglar and career criminal Dan Dudson said the word among
"Auckland crims" was that Queenstown and Wanaka were "probably the softest
piece of cheese in the country."


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there are days when i feel round like a hot air balloon and days when i feel okay about my body. today is a round round day.

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you're kidding me, right?
from today's washington post:

UNITED NATIONS -- Conservative U.S. Christian organizations have joined forces with
Islamic governments to halt the expansion of sexual and political protections and rights
for gays, women and children at United Nations conferences.

The new alliance, which coalesced during the past year, has received a major boost
from the Bush administration, which appointed antiabortion activists to key positions
on U.S. delegations to U.N. conferences on global economic and social policy.

But it has been largely galvanized by conservative Christians who have set aside
their doctrinal differences, cemented ties with the Vatican and cultivated fresh links
with a powerful bloc of more than 50 moderate and hard-line Islamic governments,
including Sudan, Libya, Iraq and Iran.

"We look at them as allies, not necessarily as friends," said Austin Ruse, founder
and president of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, a New York-based
organization that promotes conservative values at U.N. social conferences. "We have
realized that without countries like Sudan, abortion would have been recognized as a
universal human right in a U.N. document."

The alliance of conservative Islamic states and Christian organizations has placed the
Bush administration in the awkward position of siding with some of its most reviled
adversaries -- including Iraq and Iran -- in a cultural skirmish against its closest European
allies, which broadly support expanding sexual and political rights. ...

okay, the lede may not be the most transparent, and it might be somewhat misleading,
but what the heck is wrong with this world? i am a christian, a fairly fundamentalist kind
of one, as well, but i am ALL FOR women's, gay's and kid's rights. and all my christian
friends are as well. sure i would never get an abortion but to paraphrase a friend: leave
morality to the church and give us our freedom. and what did kids ever do?!

maybe this is one of those articles the post writes to get us all riled up. i think they do
that every once in a while.

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yes i am a geek leave me alone!
from cnn:

CANBERRA, Australia -- It's not quite "Star Trek" yet, but Australian
university researchers in quantum optics say they have "teleported"
a message in a laser beam using the same technology principles that
enabled Scotty to beam up Captain Kirk.

What the team at the Australian National University have managed to
achieve is to take apart an encrypted laser beam and simultaneously
rebuild a replica one meter away.

Using a process called "quantum entanglement", the team effectively
teleported a radio signal contained in the laser beam of light from one
place to another.

Team leader Ping Koy Lam said the technology was the same as that
used in science-fiction series such as "Star Trek".

umm totally uber-cool!

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fortune cookies
"traveling this year will bring your life into greater perspective."
true dat.

70% of native americans are diabetic.

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i emailed mitch's flight company the other day. i'm waiting for a reply but i don't think i'm going to hold my breath. it's all just rather silly. but carpe diem! my friend says i should just write him and send him the picture of the two of us and a little note. yeah, i think i'm going to do that. BUT I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIS LAST NAME!

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should i stay or should i go?
from xtramsn:

Activists Cling To Chimney In Protest
17/06/2002 07:48 AM

Three Greenpeace activists are clinging to the sides of the chimney of an incinerator at Auckland Airport.

During the night, they scaled the stack and capped its top so that the incinerator cannot be used.

Greenpeace says the action is in protest at the release of toxic dioxins into the atmosphere.

Campaigner Sue Connor says the Government is proposing a law which would give the green light to incineration.

please no incineration! let there be one place in the world
i want to move to. it's so easy to be disappointed.

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i'm afraid to click on my own link to the naked cowboy. you'd understand if you saw him.

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weekend update
so yesterday i mentioned that i was called, out of the blue, by this woman in holland asking me to please take a sign to times square that said: lotto.live 13. and then she could win the lottery. so i went. standing on the traffic island with the sbs6 (a dutch tv channel) camera crew was the naked cowboy. he was not so literally naked but definitely standing in his tighty-whities, cowboy boots and hat, flowing, long blond hair, strumming his guitar. he knew all of two chords and was singing something like, "i'm the naked cowboy" without any tune, really. he was amusing. and very very scary. lots of silly tourists stopped to take pictures of/with him and put money in his ... boots.

number eighteen over in holland, who was also playing the lottery.live game, did something ingenious: he called some dutch expats who live in nyc and who organize parties/get-togethers for dutchies. they are called nlborrels, which if that means anything in dutch beats the heck out of me. they have posted some pics on their website. see if you can spot me in this one! heh.

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"i'm living these years as research for the great american novel." -- me

my friend told me to write this down as having said this. yes, that's me. i said this. unless someone else said this then please tell me so i'm not stealing someone else's material.

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morning after
beer: helping ugly people have sex since 1946.

wah is weird. wah: undefined, unacknowledged tension between people. wah between two people who share a mutual friend is weird. especially when that mutual friend flirts with one of the wah-ers. flirting is weird. no, flirting is fun but excessive flirting is just annoying to watch. safe-flirting: flirting that you know won't go anywhere, like with a gay guy.

one of my favorite moments from last night: sitting at mcsorley's with a bunch of guys we didn't know, my friend makes fun of new jersey. turns out they are all from new jersey, as is the rest of our party. so the guys that we have now befriended start chanting "asshole" over and over again and then when they find out my friend is from los angeles, they upgrade to "homo! homo! homo!" oh it was hilarious because he is.*

*i do not want to offend or mislead anyone into thinking that i do not support/accept homosexuality because i do and on a level that surpasses what most people will ever have to face or experience. but sometimes, especially with someone who is self-effacing and -aware, it's just damn funny to make fun of him. heh.

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the strangest things have been happening to me lately. yesterday i ran into a girl on the street that went to my college whom i stayed with when i was visiting as a prospective student in 1995. she's been one in a long line of people i've seen around randomly, like in the subways and at my internship.

then this morning, i get a phone call from a woman in holland asking me to take a sign to times square so she can win the lottery. i said sure. that's in two hours so we'll see how that works out. but weird, no? my friend says it's because my last name is a dutch last name so she probably searched for it on the white pages, as she told me that's how she found me.

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can we do anything right?
APES: Cell Phones Threaten D.R.C. Gorillas
Source: UN Wire

Massive worldwide use of cellular telephones is threatening to kill off some of the
most endangered apes in Africa, according to the Television Trust for the
Environment's new documentary, No hiding place, Part 2. World prices for coltan,
a mineral used in cell phone production, have jumped from $65 to $600 a
kilogram during the past few years, and the filmmakers say cell phone users are
"unwittingly ... contributing to the apes' downfall" by indirectly encouraging
destruction of gorilla habitats in coltan zones.

Eighty percent of the world's known coltan supply is in the Democratic Republic of
the Congo, which the United Nations says is subject to "highly organized and
systematic exploitation." According to the film, the number of eastern lowland
gorillas in eight D.R.C. national parks has declined by up to 90 percent during the
past five years, and only 3,000 remain. The U.N. Environment Program launched
an international campaign last year to save the gorilla from extinction, but the
United Nations says recent peace deals among parties to the country's conflict
have done nothing to avert plunder in mineral-rich areas.

Extensive logging during the last 10 years has also harmed the gorillas by
clearing their habitats away, primatologist Jane Goodall says in the
documentary. "Hunters from the towns go along the roads and shoot everything
-- elephants, apes, monkeys, bats and birds," she adds. "They smoke it, load it
onto the trucks and take it into the cities. It doesn't feed starving people but
people who'll pay more for bush meat" (Steven Edwards, National Post, June 12).

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...sucks, especially when you miss something you need to go to. especially when that something you missed is for an assignment for school.

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i absolutely positively respect the institution of marriage. married men are off limits and i do my best to support my married friends, to support their marriages, to help them the best i can. i have no respect for men or women who cheat.

but sometimes, jeez, sometimes, you just wish the world was tweaked a little and that ring just wasn't there.

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more american guilt
from the bbc today:

Scientists in Australia and Canada say that pollution from western countries may have caused
the droughts which ravaged Africa's Sahel region in the 1970s and 1980s.

Millions died in the droughts, which hit Ethiopia hardest in 1984.
The research says that sulphur dioxide from factories in Europe and the United States
has cooled the Northern Hemisphere, driving the tropical rain belt south - away from the Sahel

so why aren't we signing the kyoto protocol?

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too good for me
really, what is the point of posting an evite for an event where all the guests just LOOK at the durn thing but don't RESPOND to the durn thing.

it's interesting to me that when i was in college, i created my own website with hard-learned html. those web page composer programs were in their sort of infancy and didn't work so well and with html you could create much more sophisticated web pages. now, between using evite, blogger and geocities, i don't really need to know a lick of html. and webmail...well, do you even remember vms mail or pine?

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life is good
sangria and catching up with girls from the taekwondo team (i.e. girls who kick ass). what else could a girl ask for after a crummy day? a way to automatically clean teeth. i love clean teeth. i love dental health. i love to floss. but after a long day, i don't want to put in the effort. bum. i'm a bum.

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must win the lottery
after i have visited all of the continents, or maybe during, i will do all of these walks in new zealand. *sigh* another bad day. in new zealand, they call it tramping instead of hiking. i'm sure your life is complete now that you know this little morsel of trivia.

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it's a small world after all
from a cnn story:

Australia currently has more than 1,500 armed forces, as well as fighter aircraft,
navy vessels and support craft involved in the Afghanistan campaign.

there are lots of thoughts and feelings that are evoked by thinking about september 11. i'd just like to say at this time that it's amazing to me the way countries have come to the side of the u.s. despite our terrible policies (e.g. steel tariffs, kyoto treaty, etc). i understand that citizens from many countries died at the world trade center but countries are coming to fight our global war on terror (or whatever it is) even if they don't agree with us. we aren't even big enough to do that. e.g. we are letting children in iraq and cuba die because of our embargoes. yeah yeah, we're the u.s. everyone wants to butter up to the u.s. to get in on the capitalist action. that's still reason number forty-seven to emigrate.*

*these are the musings of a girl who in her own way is ignorant so mind the gaps in logic/reasoning/accuracy.

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from 10 june monday washington post:

Vocabulary and Kids' 'Amnesia'

Psychologists may have found a clue to why people tend to have a very hard time remembering things
from very early childhood -- a phenomenon known as "childhood amnesia." New research suggests that
children can only describe memories of events using words they knew when the experience occurred.

Gabrielle Simcock and Harlene Hayne of the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, visited 2- and
3-year-old children at home to play a game with a device they called the magic shrinking machine. They
showed the child how to operate the machine by pulling down a lever, which activated an array of lights
on the front. A researcher then placed a toy inside and turned a handle on the side, which produced a
series of unique noises. When the sound stopped, the children were shown how to remove a smaller but
identical toy from inside the box. The researchers also tested the children's vocabulary.

When the researchers returned a year later, the children easily remembered how to operate the device,
but the children were only able to describe the machine using words they knew when they first learned how
to operate it.

"In no instance did a child verbally report information about the event that was not part of his or her
productive vocabulary at the time of encoding," the researchers wrote in the May 3 issue of the journal
Psychological Science. "We conclude that language development plays a pivotal role in childhood amnesia."

...and i just realized after posting it that it's from researchers in new zealand. this is the local otago paper i read to keep up with things in the south island. *sigh* bad days like today make me a hardcore daydreamer about moving there...

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not what i want
i think i plow through life without any regard to other people. they can either bite the bullet and jump onboard my train of life or get out of the way. this is not the greatest philosophy or lifestyle, i think.

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bad me
this is what i wish i could make my blog into, but i'm waaaaaaaay too self-centered and think that what i have to say is just waaaaaaaaay too important.

it's really hot and humid today. sucks. i missed spring (altho' it was worth it to go to australia and new zealand. oh spring where have you sprung?

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boo hoo
my "work" doesn't let me access my hotmail. WAH!

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carpe more diem?
for several entries and here and there i've been talking about mitch and how much i love mitch blah blah blah i talk about it so much i get tired of it myself. my dilemma: what do i do?! see, sometimes i meet people and even if i don't know them very well i feel very drawn to them and feel sad to lose them in my life. maybe it's an abandonment issue but sometimes i think there are very few exceptional people in this world that i get to meet and it's sad to let them go. it's not that i got to know mitch so well but more that there was this incredibly visceral reaction to him. there was this feeling that if i got to know him he'd be hella cool. sometimes first impressions go a long way and they usually do for me. (ok i also have to admit that i was DEEPLY attracted to him; that's part of the visceral reaction.)

now here i am trying to live my life in new york and i keep thinking about him. i don't think that we'd fall in love (as much as i'd like to) and the whole happily ever after business, but it's more like i just want to know him. i don't know if you (the collective you who don't read this) understand what that's like, to just want to be friends with people. i often get that feeling with people who are different from myself. my point here is that i want to DO something about this and that doing something entails something to the effect of writing a letter to mitch care of where he works and saying that i just want to be friends here's my email let's be friends. i have to be honest that in the back of my head i have ulterior motives but what usually happens in these types of situations for me is that after getting to know the other person s/he gets grounded into reality, turns into a normal human being like everyone else, and my feelings tend to go away. so then i must ask myself here what is the point?! because in the end i still get to know someone really cool.

so what's the problem you (who don't exist) ask? the problem is i feel stupid and pathetic. sure, he lives halfway around the world but is what i want to do inherently pathetic? i can disguise it as bold and daring, but is it just pathetic!? especially because i do feel a little badly about asking him out even though i knew he had a girlfriend (or "friend") and i feel that contacting him would be throwing a similar wrench at him. oh what to do? ether, i implore you to answer me!

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carpe diem!
HE'S BACK! that guy on the corner near astor place whose music i started to miss (see post from a few days ago). instead of just walking by and thinking that he'd be there another day, i stopped to talk to him and asked him where he had been. he said "distracted by other projects". ahh, mysterious as artists should be.

his name is joe murphy and he's performing this sunday, june 16, at CBs gallery, 313 bowery. check joe out at his web site. he has cds for $10 but i wasn't sure i wanted to commit so i told him i didn't have any money on me. what is the morality of white lies?

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make my day
i like it when media relations departments at various institutions/firms are nice to journalism students. the folks at the mayo clinic are very very nice indeed. thank you for making my day.

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yes, i can make decisions on my own
here is a conundrum: do i get coffee in my neighborhood, because the lines are way shorter, and take it on the subway with me to work, risking burns, or do i wait and buy the more expensive coffee in the au bon pain in the first floor of my building? the other thing is i enjoy having coffee (sort of) first thing in the morning. decisions, decisions.

p.s. i don't really work, i intern. and i do it for free so it's more like volunteering. wanna know where? here.

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this is too much. see prince william (hottie!) dance!

i was at the post office the other day and noticed that the workers stopped wearing those blue latex-ish gloves. does that mean the irradiation is working or that nerves have settled?

i am such a hypochondriac. during a classmate's presentation on alzheimers the other day, i started thinking that i showed symptoms. alzheimers can start as early as 30, you know. ignorance sometimes is bliss.

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my list 2
things about guys that turn me off:
kissers who: kiss too little before moving on, shove tongues down throats, smoke
talk too much, don't pay attention to you
name drop
if i feel like i wouldn't leave them alone with small children

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my list
qualities/traits in guys that turn me on:
good with kids -- doesn't necessarily have to want them though
athletes -- particularly martial artists, volleyballers, swimmers, hockey players
like the outdoors
pilots (*sigh* mitch)
can enjoy a good beer (or twelve)
like smart movies
nice forearms

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yes, and proud of it
i test positive.

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i don't know
if you can figure this site out, let me know. it's wacky to the fullest, dude.

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nice weather
i love street fairs. i love little children who are giggling with joy. i love cool breezes. i love it when i get caught up in a really nice memory and can't do anything but sit there and become immersed in it. i love it when i have a funny thought on the street and i bust up laughing. i love laughing at myself when i trip on the sidewalk. i love the feeling of serenity after working out. i love it when i have to go to the bathroom really really badly but i'm out on the street and then i get home and rush to the bathroom and the feeling of relief. aaah. i love the way my name sounds rolling off an antipodean tongue.

i don't love my university. it's this amazing bureaucracy and it just makes me miss pomona, my alma mater. *sigh.*

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steve my love
...is chatting with his attending public on june 11, 3pm. whoo!

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going public
i've listed my blog here. i'm ready for my close up. ready to go public. who am i kidding -- what public?!

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for the last few weeks, there has been a guy at the corner of astor place playing heartfelt rock tunes with an electric guitar, an amp, and possibly selling cds. his music sounds nice and i got used to him being there. he hasn't been there, however, for the last three days. i miss him.

i went to the library today to dig up an article from six years ago. when i was a kid, they used to put those things on microfilm, all rolled up and you had to put it in those machines...now they have microfiche, which is like microfilm but flat. you can fit a whole magazine on two 3 inch by 5 inch microfiche slides. hmm. technology = grand.

moby was in new zealand yesterday and is now in australia. umm, how jealous am i?
there's this guy from sydney who currently lives in london and keeps a blog too and he keeps very very personal things right out there, including his relationship with God and struggles with sex and porn and stuff. wow. to be so open. *eek*
i'm still hung over. ouch.

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i'm so hung over it hurts. i am cursed, cursed i tell you. whenever i'm hung over or have been drinking a tad bit too much the day before, i wake up hella early. so not fair.

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the second-rate university that i attend made me jump through so many hoops just so i could hand over $5000+ to them. what the? i had to run all over campus and get people to sign to verify that i was a student or SOMETHING and then the guy just pushes a button on a computer and puts me back into the classes i had originally enrolled in but then got de-enrolled from because i didn't pay for them within four hours after registering, or something like that. why god why?

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evil twin
my google twin (if there is such a thing; if not, i'm coining the phrase!) is a really cute actress from thailand.

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