it's like an addiction
so tomorrow, in about 6 hours actually, i leave to work at camp. i've been going to this camp since i was about nine years old. i started working there when i was sixteen or seventeen and here i am, on the verge of earning a master's degree and i still keep going back. i think i'm going to be a professional camp counselor/girl scout, not because i necessarily want to be but it seems to be where i'm headed. to pursue that end, i've looked into getting some more training and here is a good program. best part is it's in new zealand.
my point here, however, is that i'm going to be in the woods for the next four weeks. actually, this coming week i'll be commuting from nyc to camp, which is 2.5 hours away, so i can finish my last week of summer school. summer school sucks. i hate summer school. especially after a really nice vacation. it's really hard to get back into the swing of school after that. anyways, off point. if you miss me, send me email. i really really will do my best to try and check. my hotmail account might blow up if i don't, anyways, because apparently i really need viagra/to refinance my mortgage/see britney spears naked, according to all the mail i get.