bubbly and lovely: i'm too poor for therapy.

been there and back again. too many thoughts and opinions and hormones get me in trouble.

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My Soapbox blahblahblah
it's a small world after all
from a cnn story:

Australia currently has more than 1,500 armed forces, as well as fighter aircraft,
navy vessels and support craft involved in the Afghanistan campaign.

there are lots of thoughts and feelings that are evoked by thinking about september 11. i'd just like to say at this time that it's amazing to me the way countries have come to the side of the u.s. despite our terrible policies (e.g. steel tariffs, kyoto treaty, etc). i understand that citizens from many countries died at the world trade center but countries are coming to fight our global war on terror (or whatever it is) even if they don't agree with us. we aren't even big enough to do that. e.g. we are letting children in iraq and cuba die because of our embargoes. yeah yeah, we're the u.s. everyone wants to butter up to the u.s. to get in on the capitalist action. that's still reason number forty-seven to emigrate.*

*these are the musings of a girl who in her own way is ignorant so mind the gaps in logic/reasoning/accuracy.

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