bubbly and lovely: i'm too poor for therapy.

been there and back again. too many thoughts and opinions and hormones get me in trouble.

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My Soapbox blahblahblah
can't i walk in peace?
i guess i should find it flattering, but not so much really.

i was walking to taekwondo tonight with my head phones on and a block away from the school this guy asks me if i know of a music store nearby. i think there's a virgin megastore at union square, over there somewhere, i reply. he then asks what i'm listening to. moby. 18. the guy then asks if it's as good as play, because every track on that was just rocking. yeah, i say. 18 kinda grows on you. next thing i know, he's introducing himself to me and i start catching on. thankfully i'm at the door to the school, i'm goiing here, i say. i'm so not interested. well why don't you take my business card, let's get coffee sometime. umm, no thanks. sorry. up the stairs i go.

i'm moving to kansas city.

the first two people i told asked me if he was cute. no. good decision, diana, they said. this city is weird.

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