bubbly and lovely: i'm too poor for therapy.
been there and back again. too many thoughts and opinions and hormones get me in trouble.
from barbie
>>I think coming here will be really good for you, especially if you
>>aren't that happy doing what you're doing now. And adventure shit
>>is always cool and full of self-discovery. (I should write Hallmark
the nice people at adventure education arranged a for two students to call me tonight so i could ask them some questions about the school and life in new zealand in general. gosh they were so nice and even tho' they were all women, their accents turned me on. sigh, i'm such a sucker. the above was part of an email from a friend who is taking a semester in newcastle, australia. she's awesome, and i think she's right. i think i'm going to go but it's hard to commit for so far into the future. ARGH! sigh.