bubbly and lovely: i'm too poor for therapy.
been there and back again. too many thoughts and opinions and hormones get me in trouble.
jetlag sucks
i get the strangest jet lag. i hardly slept at all two nights ago. i'm talking tossing and turning for two hours before finally falling just barely to sleep before waking up twice -- once for missetting my alarm to east coast time and then again a few hours later to get ready to leave for the airport. but last night, after i got home, i didn't fall asleep until nearly five a.m. this used to happen to me when i came home from school at the end of the semester. i would stay up until 7am or some other awfully obscene hour and then wouldn't get off the nasty cycle for ages.
while i was in l.a. i decided one day, for no reason in particular, that i HAD TO HAVE the john mayer cd. it's great. check it out. despite him being all sensitive-like and singing and playing the guitar, he doesn't strike me as all THAT cute. not that that matters, but just to refute some others out there who might gush about him and all.