bubbly and lovely: i'm too poor for therapy.
been there and back again. too many thoughts and opinions and hormones get me in trouble.
lucky fuck
i heard on npr this morning that after george w's physical, he's going to his crawford ranch for the REST OF THE MONTH OF AUGUST. umm, excuse me, doesn't he have a country to run? sure he works from there, but gosh darn almighty, what a lucky fuck. there's no way this guy ever could possibly present himself as relating to the "average guy" because most of us average folks (and i'm not even all that average in a lot of ways) don't get to jet off to some sprawling ranch for a month. sheesh. spending all that money on fuel and protection services. i can't stand our president. he's so transparent. he doesn't even TRY to hide the fact that he lives in the pockets of big business. i can't believe the people voted for him. OH WAIT. WE DIDN'T! and then that dumb over-made up kathryn harrison and the supreme court GIVES him the presidency. yes, my dislike for this man is part of the motivation for me wanting to leave this country.
but you know, it's so darn hot in texas in august, maybe i should be glad it's not me.