bubbly and lovely: i'm too poor for therapy.
been there and back again. too many thoughts and opinions and hormones get me in trouble.
wine corks
one morning a few months ago I was listening to NPR and they were discussing the virtues of different types of caps for wine. yes, traditional corks connote this image of sophistication, but sometimes they can ruin a bottle of wine because cork comes from a living thing and can harbor bacteria and such. technology has recently developed plastic corks but they can be unreliable as well. it turns out that screwtops are the best for keeping wine but they remind people of malt liquor and other cheaper, less sophisticated drinks, so winemakers are reluctant to use them. so that day on NPR, they had some chi-chi sophisticated wine expert on and he was touting the virtues of screw tops and said:
...and you don't have to worry about corkscrews,
that ridiculously antiquated phallic symbol.
i thought that was very funny.