bubbly and lovely: i'm too poor for therapy.
been there and back again. too many thoughts and opinions and hormones get me in trouble.
day one
today was my first day of the least selfless tutoring i've ever done in my life. and i managed to crawl all over the desks 10 minutes after the director was telling the kids to respect the university property. oh me.
it's amazing that kids are so impressionable and they really have a lifetime ahead of them to become who they are. i do at 25, too. but sometimes you can look at kids and they wear their personalities on their sleeves. there isn't much pretending with them. they are who they are and when they pretend, you can see through that too. not that this is a bad thing. i think it's just about kids being innocent, even if they aren't that that innocent. they're 10. give 'em a few years and they'll turn into the hardened, cynical bitter people that resemble us "grown-ups".
i know i'm going to get really fond of these kids, even tho' i see them only one afternoon a week. and it's going to be sad to leave them. just as it was sad to leave the kids in the afterschool program at kim's karate in baltimore. hey wait...why am i always saying yes when boys ask me to work with kids?