bubbly and lovely: i'm too poor for therapy.

been there and back again. too many thoughts and opinions and hormones get me in trouble.

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My Soapbox blahblahblah
the meteor shower was this morning. i went to it to report on it. quite exciting. almost got hit by a taxi right outside my door, as i went to the corner deli to get some coffee. then nearly froze my patookies off there.

today they put the lights up on my street, in front and above all the stores. i remember how last year when they did that i totally fell in love with my neighborhood; made the holidays in new york city exactly as it is in the movies. now it just makes me sad that i'm going to leave the city. i'll be back.

i've decided that this time instead of hiding from my misstep and cower in anonymity, i'm going to grab life by the reins and face it. face him. but men are such pigs sometimes it's almost scary. makes me wonder if nice guys are putting up a front. i hope my next interview isn't as much of a bust as this one kind of was. ugh i feel so dirty after talking to them i think i need to take a shower.

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